You must have thought about why the name of the company is Pine.
Kian Tejarat Kaj Company took its name from this evergreen tree due to its characteristics. Learn more about the unique properties of pine.
Pine is one of the mythological symbols. Decorating the pine tree (Christmas tree) as we know is one of the well-known rituals of Christians, although we see decorating and other rituals related to the tree in different ancient cultures, among them It is possible to name the ritual of tree planting, tying a piece of cloth to a tree to achieve a wish, burying the dead at the foot of a tree, planting a tree on the occasion of a child’s birth, etc. In the petroglyphs left from ancient times in Iran and other places, the tree is one of the inseparable parts. Also, the image of a tree is one of the main components in Iran’s works of art, from gabe and carpets to cashmere and tiles and miniatures. If we leave aside the question of which cultures decorated the tree for the first time and from which ancient culture this custom originated, we can say that in the ancient world, people considered the tree sacred and worshiped it. They considered the tree to be the basis of nature and a symbol of movement and life. Ancient people especially considered trees that were green all year as a symbol of immortality. In the literature of the nations, the tree is mentioned as the tree of life, the cosmic tree, the tree of knowledge, the tree of desire, the tree of art, the tree of descent or genealogy and others. In the ancient world, trees have been a symbol for the cycle of life, death, the passing of the four seasons, immortality and eternal life, rebirth and resurrection, etc. As one of the fruits and fruits of the earth, the tree contains the seeds of a new and successive generation. The tree is a symbol of growth, creative power and immortality. The vertical movement of the tree tells the connection of the earth with the sky and heaven.

Why do they decorate pine trees on New Year’s Eve?
“Ardak Manoukian”, the archbishop of the Armenians of Iran, writes in the book “Holidays of the Armenian Church”: “Until recently, on the New Year’s Eve, which was known as the night of “Kakander”, which means the beginning of the month and the year; The family members would gather together and celebrate the coming of the new year by eating fruits and dried fruits… In addition to this, the common people in the old days had customs and traditions that have disappeared now and traces of them can only be found in history books. “. He writes: “In the region of Pontus, Kaqander was called “Galander”. A day before Gallandar, they prepared a big cake with seven dishes full of fruits. The head of the family brings an olive branch to decorate the galander tree. It was customary to use the oak tree and the oak itself, and that too only on the day of Gallander. The next morning, the head of the family would go to the priest, and after baptizing the galander tree, he would return home and take strands from the hair of the family members and tie them to the galander tree for omens…” Manoukian writes: “Now, of all these customs, nothing but The decoration of the pine tree is not left.”
Why the tree is decorated today for the beginning of the new year is a question that can have undocumented answers. It is said that it is not known since when the Christians decorated the New Year pine tree, but it is said that they decorated the Christmas tree with candles in the 18th century. Later, with the invention of electricity, Christmas lights replaced candles and other things such as paper, candy canes, balls, etc. were used for decoration. An angel or star is also placed in the highest part of the tree, which is a sign of the angel of Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus. Some legends say that the triangular shape of this tree is a symbol of the Trinity in Christianity. In another legend, it is said that Saint Boniface went to Germany in the 7th or early 8th century. There he destroyed all the idols and places of prayer in Germany, he cut down the oak tree that the Germans used to worship and introduced the fir tree (pine) to the people as a symbol of Christianity. It is said that the Germans who followed this religion (Christianity) decorated the fir (pine) for a celebration called Christmas, which they replaced with the celebration of the winter solstice. Little by little, Christmas spread and by hanging various things on the tree, the present day Christmas tree was formed.

Pine in the east
In the Far East, pine is a symbol of immortality due to the durability of its leaves and the fact that the gum does not rot. Immortal Davies fed on pine seeds, needle leaves and pine gum. This food made them not need any other food and made their body so light that they could fly. They believed that if the pine gum flows on the trunk of the tree and enters the soil, after thousands of years, a type of mushroom called “Fu-Ling” will grow, and eating it will cause immortality and immortality. They said that if someone eats pine flowers, the heavens will give him the purity of jade and the shine of gold.
In Japan, pine is a sign of good luck. It is also a symbol of waiting. The Japanese use pine and hinoki (cypress) wood to build Shinto shrines and Shinto ritual paraphernalia. In this country, pine (matsu) is a symbol of resistance and steadfastness. It is also a symbol of people who know how to keep their thoughts intact despite the surrounding criticism. Like the pine, they always win against the onslaught of wind and storm. According to the Shinto religion, during the week of the New Year celebration, the Japanese place two pine trees of the same size in front of the entrance of their homes. In this ritual, they vow to keep the gods (Kami) alive and protected among the leaves of these trees. In this way, their houses attract Kami and Niki surrounded by these two pines. In this country, pine is superior to other trees because of its evergreen leaves. The Japanese consider these two pines to be congeners. In a satirical Japanese poem, these two pines are considered as “joy and sorrow together”. In this land, two cedars together remind of the legend of Takasugu, a symbol of love and fidelity in marriage.
In China, pine is more associated with other symbols of eternal life. For the Chinese, happiness and longevity are linked to the power of stability. For them, wealth, honor, love and children have no value unless enough time is guaranteed to use them. In the Sri Chinian Association, pine (in connection with cedar) is seen at the threshold of the city of Bidan Moyan Jang or in the circle of heaven and earth; which is the seat of eternity. Confucius says: Near the earth altar, the “Hiyas” planted pine and the “Yin” planted cedar.
Pine in the west
Pine is a symbol of life force in visual art. In Western iconography, a pine cone is sometimes depicted between two roosters fighting over it. This role is not dissimilar to the image of two dragons fighting over a pearl. The pearl here is a symbol of naked truth. A pine cone is seen in the hand of Dionysus in the form of a wand. This cone is a symbol of the survival of plant life. The pine cone shows the supremacy of Dionysus over nature. This superiority comes from his primal and intoxicating power. The pine cone is a symbol of celebrating life force and fertility. The Orphians held a ritual in honor of Dionysus in which Dionysus was torn apart by the Titans and died, then came back to life. This ritual symbolized the permanent return of plants and the return to life in general. In Delphi, Dionysus appeared in the temple for three months, and disappeared for the rest of the year.
In Rome, the pine was dedicated to Kubla, the goddess of fertility. Kish Kobleh is a mystical show, reminiscent of the Isis religion, which honors and respects pine. In this ritual, a pine tree is uprooted and people from a Brotherhood association take it to the palatium. These people are called tree bearers (Dendrophores). This pine tree, which was covered like a corpse with woolen strips and decorated with a violet flower, was a sign of the dead Attis (the lover of the god of Lady Kobleh). Followers of an ancient Phrygian peasant cult, next to Caesar’s palace to pay homage to this tree, which was the symbol of Attis and the plant spirit; They gathered, on the second day of mourning, the followers of Kish Kuble fasted and mourned next to the body of Atis and cried out of despair. They stayed up all night waiting for Attis to come back to life and little by little all the cries of despair turned into cries of ecstasy. Since this ceremony was held in the spring; Finally, Attis would wake up from the long sleep of death. Then a ceremony full of passion and joy was held with disorder. Kublai’s followers would change their clothes and a great feast would be held so that there was complete freedom to express joy and happiness on the occasion of the return of Attis to life. Here, the pine symbolized the body of the dead god and his return to life. A ceremony that marks the change of season in Kish Kobleh.
In the Dehkhoda dictionary, the word pine is mentioned below: “The name of the tree is that it is called in Arabic Sanobar al-Saghar, and it is a triangular and three-cornered egg, its taste is close to chelghuzeh. The Farsi name of this tree is Naju, which is another name. A tall tree that is similar to the height of the beloved in the poem and is similar to a cedar. It is stated in the world mythology encyclopedia: “Mythological references to firs include not only real firs but also any type of conifer, and many of them are undoubtedly types of pine. The word fir (fir) is mentioned in the Bible in the same way. The first timbers used to build ships were pine wood. In ancient times, pine was considered the sacred tree of the sea god.